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by Mary May Larmoyeux
Not too long ago, a good friend, Karen Jordan, and I taught a four-week writing workshop at church called "Capture Your Story." One week we talked about preserving our family stories for future generations, especially our spiritual stories.
We jotted down stories that we wanted to share with our families. Some memories that came to my mind included the premature birth of our oldest son. The doctor said that he would not live through the night, but God knew better. This son is now the father of three of our precious grandchildren.
And I remembered getting out of a taxi as a college student when I was visiting a small church. A middle-age couple "adopted" me and brought me to church every Sunday after that. Pops and I still stay in touch with them today.
What stories to you want your great, great-grandchildren to know about you? What do you want them to know about your faith? If you haven't already begun capturing family stories (in writing, on videotape, through a recording, etc.), you may want to consider starting today.
Doing this can be very simple. You may want to purchase a special journal and just jot down your stories ... His stories ... on a weekly or monthly basis. Someday, a generation you will never know will thank you!
He is able,
Mary May Larmoyeux
Article and picture © 2009 by Mary May Larmoyeux. All rights reserved.
We need to teach some more workshops--I loved 'em! kj
I need to start writing down some of my stories and experiences. This is a great reminder, Mary. Thank you!
Hi, Karen and Sharon. It's good to hear from both of you!
Karen, yep, we do need to do some more workshops.
Sharon, if you write down some of your stories, I'd love for you to share one with the Grand Connection readers!
It is such a good plan to write stories for our grand and great-grand children.I have files of stories about my grandparents told to us by my parents. How my siblings and I wish we had known them personally, but feel we know them through the tales handed down. The photo is lovely. Where is the church? Blessings, Rita
Thanks for posting this again and for the plug! I love encouraging people to tell their stories, don't you? We need to do some more workshops together again real soon!
Hi, Karen! Yep, I agree about doing the story-telling workshops. They are a lot of fun!
I love to write my stories in little poems. Some are funny, some are happy and some are sad but they combine memories of the past, such as: Going to Mid-night Mass and coming home in the fresh snow fall, playing on a hay stack when the big bull begins eating the hay right below and we can’t slide down until he finishes, our first horse drawn sleigh ride in the country, climbing out the upstairs window and sliding down the slick slate roof when mama wasn’t looking, on and on. It is a joy. -- Rita
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