by Mary May Larmoyeux
I know every bird in the mountains, and the creatures of the field are mine. —Psalm 50:11
A few years ago one of the Christmas presents that Pops and I gave our grands was a birdhouse (one to each family). Although we thought that the kids would like them, we were surprised at how thrilled they were about them.
Now, they weren’t just ordinary birdhouses—they were designed for children to custom decorate with outdoor paints. (I purchased the birdhouse kits, complete with paints, from our local Knowledge Tree.) Our out-of-town grandkids decorated their birdhouse the day after Christmas, and our local grands decorated theirs a day or so later. They are all thrilled with their creations.
You may want to decorate a birdhouse with your local grandchildren on a bleak winter day or mail one to those who live out-of-town. Just looking at a birdhouse reminds us that spring will soon be here.
A birdhouse can also provide a great topic for ongoing conversation with the grands. I plan to checkout some library books about our feathery friends to read with the grands who live nearby.
With out-of-town (and local) grandkids we can google “birds” and find all sorts of information and activities that we could send them by e-mail or snail mail. Here are just a few possibilities:
Just color the critters (National Audubon Society—just for kids)
Birds of America (you can search by state—National Audubon Society)
Wild bird treat (National Geographic for Kids)
Have fun!
© 2009, 2014 by Mary May Larmoyeux.
As I studied my Bible this morning, outside my window a bright red cardnial perched for a brief moment... you can imagine my delight when later I find your encouragement to make a birdhouse.
- Teresa
Is there no end to your creativity? My goodness, you have more cool ideas like this in your little finger than I have in my whole body! LOL!
Hi, Teresa and Sharon! It's good to hear from both of you.
Sharon, just wait until your first grandchild is born. All of a sudden your brain will be filled with ideas of fun things that you can do with your little grand. :)
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