by Mary May Larmoyeux
Thanksgiving will soon be here. The following 10 ideas could help us be more grateful in this season of thanks.
1. Begin a “jar of thanks.” Ask each person in the family to regularly jot down on slips of paper things they are thankful for—dropping them in the “jar of thanks.” On Thanksgiving Day read the slips of paper, and thank God together for His many blessings.
2. As a family, choose a charitable organization to support together financially. Brainstorm ways that the children/grandchildren can earn money for this. Give up drinking cold drinks or eating out, and add the money saved to the donation fund.
3. On or before Thanksgiving Day, serve as a family in some type of soup kitchen. You will not only be helping others, but will also have a great opportunity to talk to the kids/grandkids about the less fortunate.
4. Memorize Bible verses about being thankful and discuss them as a family. Example: After reciting Philippians 1:3 (“I thank my God every time I remember you.”), tell loved ones why you thank God for them.
5. As a family talk about the blessing of good health. Then “adopt” someone who does not have this blessing—rake their leaves, wash their car, go grocery shopping for them.
6. Before going to bed on Thanksgiving Day, thank Jesus for coming to Earth as our Redeemer. “My llips will shout for joy when I sing praise to you—I, whom you have redeemed.” (Psalm 71:23)
7. Make a Thanksgiving Tree. All you need is a small artificial tree, some note cards (cut in thirds), and ornament hooks. During the days leading up to Thanksgiving, encourage family members to jot down on the note cards things they are thankful for. Punch a hole in each card and hang it on the tree. Read all of the cards as a family on Thanksgiving Day.
8. Participate in your community’s collection of food items for the needy during Christmas. Take your children to the grocery store and let them shop for the items your family will contribute. Ask for your children’s help in packing the box.
9. After you pray with your kids before they go to bed, ask them to share how God had blessed them that day.
10. Keep a “thanksgiving notebook” in which family members regularly jot down ways God has blessed them. Periodically read the list as a family and have a time of family prayer—thanking God for specific blessings.
Have a great weekend,
Photo and post © by Mary May Larmoyeux. All right reserved.
Beautiful thoughts. --Rita
Thanks, Rita!
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