Tuesday's Grand Connection Thought
by Mary May Larmoyeux
Not too long ago when Pops and I babysat for two of our grands, our granddaughter decided to go through the toy cabinet. She was really excited about all that she found there. Before I knew it, she had dumped out the puzzles—I think there were about twenty.
What a mess! And there was no way that she could put all of the puzzles back together without some help.
After a prayer for patience and a reminder that God can work out everything for good, I assured her that I would help. My job was to put the correct pieces with the correct puzzle. Her job was to put each puzzle together. We made a good team and eventually everything was back together, and the toy chest was neater than it had been in a long, long time.
As my little granddaughter and I worked to clean up the big mess, I thought of how my life at times seems like the pile of mismatched puzzle pieces. Sometimes I just don't know where to turn and need someone to show me the way.
I hope that our grandchildren will turn to Pops and me as they get older and need a little advice or an extra hand. What a privilege it will be to help them sort the pieces of life ... to point them to the One who knows the way. The One who has helped me sort so many messes in my life.
How has God helped you sort the messes of life?
Have a great week,
© 2009 by Mary May Larmoyeux. All rights reserved.
Photo Credit: © Anatoly Tiplyashin / Dreamstime.com
What a great analogy of how God helps us. Sometimes I feel like the mess is too much and I want to give up when I look at it, but God always helps me find a starting place and He sticks by my side as the mess is cleaned up. If not for the Lord, I couldn't make it a day.
Sharon, I really like what you said about God helping you find the starting places and sticking by your side. It's so true in my life, too.
That was a good analogy. With a large family we find there are puzzles to be worked every day. When the burden becomes too heavy and I cannot find an answer, I turn it over to the Good Lord and tell Him. “It’s all yours Lord.” Somehow things do work out for the best in the long run. It takes time to realize that. Blessings, Rita
Rita, like you, many times I've had to say, "It's all yours, Lord." I'm so glad that He can handle what we cannot. (Proverbs 3:5)
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