What could be more beautiful on a dreary winter day than a gorgeous flowering Amaryllis?
About a week ago Pops helped one of our grandchildren plant an Amaryllis bulb; it is now sitting on a shelf near a kitchen window. The stalk is really popping up! According to what I’ve read on the Internet, there should be a flower in about 7-10 weeks ... hopefully by Valentine’s Day.
I took a picture of a granddaughter holding the bulb before it was planted and again when it was in the pot. I think we'll measure the height of the stalk once a week and jot this down on the calendar. We may even have a little guessing game to see who can guess when the Amaryllis will bloom.
To add a spiritual dimension, as I watch the development of the Amaryllis with my grandchildren, we'll talk about how God made everything. Waiting for the flower to bloom will be a good exercise in patience for them ... and me. It makes me think of the saying, “All things come to he who waits," and Psalm 33:20, “Our soul waits for the Lord; he is our help and our shield.”
There’s still time for you and your grand to enjoy the beauty of an Amaryllis in your home this winter—if you plant one soon. You can get them from your local nursery or on the Internet.
Speaking of Internet, I just read that an Amaryllis will flower again if you cut the old flowers from the stem after they bloom, and when the stem starts to sag, cut it back to the top of the bulb. I’m going to try this.
Happy planting!
He is able,
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What another great idea, Mary. I might just try out my "not-so-green" thumb again with my grandkids. I had a window full of African violets at one time. But that's been a LONG time ago--before grandkids! kj
You can do it, KJ. Our Amaryllis is on the top of a high shelf. :)
- Mary
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