Friday’s Fun
Here’s one more Thanksgiving activity that you can do with your grandkids: make Thanksgiving placecards.
Our four-year-old granddaughter and I made our placecards tonight. I cut one 8 ½ x 11 piece of card stock into quarters. Then each quarter was folded in half and decorated with fall leaves.
I’ll write names on the placecards after the leaves have dried overnight. And, yes, the placecards will be on our Thanksgiving

Here are some more creative ideas for special placecards.
He is able,
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You inspire me to dig out my craft materials and make a mess with my grandchildren. It also reminds me of a quote from the Magic Schoolbus: "Take risks, make mistakes, and get messy!"
That quote inspires me in my writing, but it also reminds me to spend some quality, creative time with my grandkids.
Blessings, Nonnie
What a great idea. We children used to string leaves for Thanksgiving and decorate the dining room chandelier. We were so proud of our work when the relatives admired the colors. Also, you might try spraying with hair spray to make them hold the color a little longer. What fun it is to teach the grandchildren simple pleasures. Rita
Nonnie, love the quote about getting messy!
Rita, thanks for sharing the wonderful idea of asking the children to decorate with a string of leaves. Did you tape the leaves to the string?
-- Mary
Mary, I believe we had an old fishing hook and we threaded the leaves on a string. It was either that or a carpet needle, something large. Just decorated with them laced and looped around the chandelier and across the
ceiling rafters over the dining room table. -- Rita
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