Friday's Grand Connection Fun
by Mary May Larmoyeux
Have you ever thought about making a parachute ... for Colombia? Until the other day, I never had.
Christians in Colombia are often attacked and threatened by Guerrillas. The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) helps support a missionary pilot who flies into guerrilla-controlled areas and drops Bibles and Christian books. These books float to the ground in small parachutes.
A ministry outreach of VOM is Kids of Courage. Its website has complete directions for making small parachutes that can be sent to Colombia. (They request $3 to accompany each chute to help pay for books, shipping costs, and airplane fuel.)
I think that it would be great to make a parachute for Colombia with a grandchild, and also look at a map together, explaining where the parachute will be sent and what it will contain. (Directions could be sent to long-distance grands. Grandparents and grandkids could make their parachutes on the same day and exchange cell phone pictures. Or, they could mail one another pictures of completed chutes.)
We can find other activities, stories, downloads, etc., on Kids of Courage. Here's a link to a children's story written about missionary Gracia Burnham and the power of forgiveness.
How do you encourage your grandchild to help Christians in other countries?
He is able,
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© 2009 by Mary May Larmoyeux.
Photo © Natalia Bratslavsky | Dreamstime.com
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