by Mary May Larmoyeux
I was reading some quotes about grandparents; here are a few of my favorites:
Grandmothers are just antique little girls. (Author Unknown)
Perfect love sometimes does not come until the first grandchild. (Welsh Proverb)
Grandparenting is a wonderful time of life. Finally we can have the ice cream without first eating the vegetables. (Lois Wyse)
Did you get a smile on your face as your read these quotes. I sure did.
Before our first grandchild was born, my friends warned me that there were no words to express the thrill of being a grandparent. Now I understand that it’s impossible to really describe the joy this antique little girl has when she plays tea party with her three-year-old granddaughter.
Before I had grands I thought I knew how to love. Now I know that the mistakes that I made as a parent had a purpose—to mold me into a grandparent who can love with more understanding and patience.
Before I had grandkids I believed children should eat their vegetables before dessert. But now I know the grands can sometimes eat their ice cream at Grandma's house before the veggies. After all, it’s up to their parents to see that they eat right. (smile)
What has grandparenting taught you?
Have a great week,
co-author of The Grand Connection: 365 Ways to Connect with Your Grandchild's Heart
© 2008 by Mary May Larmoyeux. All rights reserved.
Hi Mary,
I left a surprise for you on my blog. When you have a moment, swing by and check it out. :-)
Thanks for the surprise, Sharon! I'm honored that you gave me a "Superior Scribbler Award," and will pass on the honor in a Tuesday post. Love reading your blog, A Break from the Norm! - Mary
Yes, the quotes did bring a smile to my face. I have learned that we grandparents are all different until that trusting grandchild curls a tiny hand around our finger. We become captives filled with unconditional love and are never ever the same. Blessings, Rita
Rita, I loved what you shared about a trusting child curling a tiny hand around a grandparent's finger!
When I am with them, my grandchildren teach me to see the world in a different fashion. Not only are the stars magical, my kitchen smells beget chocolate chip cookies when we bake together. I have learned that my grandchildren can spark spontaneous laughter and can transmit a tiring day into pure bliss. I thank my children for these marvelous creatures. Rita G.
Rita, thanks for your wonderful comment. You truly captured the joy of being a grandparent!
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