Tuesday's Grand Connection Thought
by Mary May Larmoyeux
Hope that you will be able to make some special memories with the grands this Independence Day!
You and I may want to spend a little time talking with our grandkids about the creation of the Declaration of Independence. I confess, I had forgotten that the signing of it was not completed until August 1776. Independence Day actually honors the formal adoption on July 4, 1776, of the Declaration of Independence by the Continental Congress.
I'm planning on checking out the TV schedule to see if the National Independence Day Parade will be aired in our area. I'd like to see some of it this year (It begins at 11:45 a.m. in Washington, D.C.). It would be fun to watch this parade with a grandchild or two.
Are some of your grandchildren coming to your house for a backyard BBQ on the Fourth. If it's not too hot, I think a game of family whifle ball could be fun. And maybe a watermelon-seed spitting contest ... Do you have any special family activities that you do on the Fourth?
It's wonderful to celebrate freedom on Independence Day, but that freedom came with a price. Pastor Charles Stanley said: "The price of freedom is expensive. The most important freedom—our inner, personal freedom—is the most expensive of all, because it was bought with the blood of Christ." You may want to watch Dr. Stanley's June 30, 2013, message "The Price of Freedom."
Have a great week,
Mary May Larmoyeux
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© 2013 by Mary May Larmoyeux. All rights reserved.
Photo: dreamstime.com
We took our granddaughter to a neighborhood parade on the Fourth. She loved picking up all the candy the nice people threw to her because she was so cute! - Sharon
Sounds like you had a wonderful time with your graddaughter, Sharon! - Mary
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