with Mary May Larmoyeux
I love what Jean May e-mailed me about being a grandmother! She said:
Grandparenting gives unending pleasure that would be impossible to cover in a few words. …
It means so much to hear that little or not so little voice on the phone calling to tell me of something special that happened at school that day or asking about something that happened in the "old days."
Grandparenting has taught me patience, understanding, and appreciation for my parents and grandparents. So much has become crystal clear to me now. I know my role in my grandchildren's lives is an important piece of their life's puzzle, and they're an important piece in mine.
Everyone has heard that "grandchildren are the reward for having children!" That doesn't quite say it for me. I think grandchildren are a taste of the unconditional love the Father has for us all.
This past Easter weekend, as Jim and I were surrounded by our grandchildren, we felt their unconditional love.
And last week one of our granddaughters called to let us know that she had quit sucking her thumb. It's been days since she shared her good news, but I still get a smile as I think of her sweet message.
What does grandparenting mean to you?
Have a great week!
He is able,
Mary May Larmoyeux
author of Help for Busy Moms: Purposeful Living to Simplify Life
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What being a grandparent means to me is: cuddling a newborn; walking with a toddler’s tiny hand wrapped around my finger; playing on a blanket in the grass; singing lullabyes; reading stories; exploring anything that grows; being tender with the ‘teens; understanding young adults; compassionated with the troubled; sharing a cup of tea. I try to do all of these with my grandchildren because one day they may do all of these with their own. - Rita
Rita, I know you are a wonderful grandmother! Thanks for sharing.
- Mary
Good grandparents are a wonderful blessing from God. I still remember my grandmothers cooking, words of Godly wisdom, and loving arms. And to this day I'll pull out my grandfathers old devotional and read it. What a blessings indeed.
Sharon, how wonderful that you have the old devotional of your grandfather! - Mary
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