Monday, March 15, 2021

Easter Bunny Cake

Mary May LarmoyeuxI hope you will be with family and friends on Easter Sunday and that you’ll enjoy some family traditions. Perhaps you’ll have an egg hunt for the kids or savor a holiday feast with loved ones. But have you ever made an Easter bunny cake? ... read more.


  1. One of our grandchildren, Laci, (a little girl of triplets...almost 4) was sharing her weekly scripture with some of our family early this week, and it went like this... "He is not he-ah. He's in prison! Mat-tew twenty-eight, sits." It has been corrected since her original rendition! She now lets, "HE IS RISEN!" ring out!

    Then tonight, the triplets' father was in our Easter Celebrate Life musical. He portrayed Luke in some spoken parts. As one of the triplet boys was walking into the church with his mother and my husband, he spotted his dad, "Luke." He said, "Daddy, why you have on God's clothes?"

    And...if I may share just one more story with you...our oldest grandchild, Maggie, looked up at her mom while at their church Easter celebration last night, and said, "Mommy, I am ready to ask Jesus in my heart." What better gift at Easter?

    Thanks for allowing me to share! Thank you, too, for sharing all your thoughts, ideas, stories, recipes, and Godly words of wisdom.

    Have a blessed Easter!

  2. Hi, Vivienne! Thanks for sharing your wonderful Easter stories about your grandkids. I loved how Luke asked why his dad (who was in the Easter musical) had on "God's clothes." And it was great that Maggie said she wanted to "ask Jesus in my heart" on Easter Sunday!

    We got to see two of our grandkids on Easter and they went to church and had lunch with us (and their parents). When our two-year-old grandson's Mom asked him if he wanted some ham, he said he wanted a "hammm ... burger." :)
