I hope that you and your family will have a wonderful Easter. The joy and love of Easter can continue in our lives, day in and day out.
I was reminded of this fact when I read a true story written by my friend Helen Austin. You may want to share it with older grandchildren, asking your legacy what they think the moral of the story is, and how they could apply it to their lives.
Once there was woman who went with her husband to live in a developing country. The husband worked for an oil company looking for untapped oil fields in a desert area near a large coastal city. After some discussion, the couple decided to put their two young children in boarding school for a year so she could go with him. It sounded like an adventure.
They had been moderately well off in their country. But in this exotic location, they soon learned, they were much more than that. They lived in a walled, guarded enclave, in a house which could have accommodated a family much larger than theirs. This enclave was populated by their compatriots, many of them associated with the oil company.
One of the first things the newcomers were told was to ignore the beggars .. read more.
He has risen,
Mary May Larmoyeux
Article © by Mary May Larmoyeux. All rights reserved.
Photo © Robert Byron / Dreamstime.com
Photo © Robert Byron / Dreamstime.com
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