Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The children of my children

Several years ago, my then four-year-old grandson said something that just melted my heart. I was driving his big sis and him to a local farm to see some animals. “Nana,” he unexpectedly said from the backseat of the car, “I love you!” “I love you”–three simple words. Yet ...
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  1. Another precious poem about our grandchildren. It reminds me of the day a child of my child picked a yellow crookneck squash blossom and gave it to me saying it was the “most beautiful flower ever.” It was. Blessings, Rita

  2. Rita, love your comment about the sqush blossom! It reminded me of the time my grandson gave me some "flowers" that I was allergic to. Would I bring them in the house and put them in a vase? You bettcha! -- Mary
