Tuesday's Grand Connection Thought
I was talking with a friend the other day, and she told me how much it means to her when her grandson picks up the phone and calls her. Their conversations don't have to be long. Just the idea that he is thinking about her means so much.
My friend said when her grandson was in college, he'd often call her while walking on campus between classes. And now that he has graduated and has a job, he's still calling her.
As she shared her story, I thought how connecting with those we love can be so simple! Just carving out time to say I care can mean so much. Just ask my friend.
What simple ways have your grandchildren connected with you?
What simple ways have you connected with your grandchildren?
He is able,
© Mary May Larmoyeux. All rights reserved.
Photo © by Designpicsub / Dreamstime.com
When our 7 year-old great grandchild says she wants to spend the night with us we feel we have a Grand Connection. Blessings, Rita
Rita, I sure agree that you have a Grand Connection with your little great grandchild!
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