Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Remembering so they will never forget

- Mary May Larmoyeux - The older I get, the more I realize how much stories shape history. I was reminded of this when one of my grandsons asked me how old ... read more.


  1. You are so right. How can people deny the Holocaust?

    My brother-in-law was with General Patten’s Third Army and has pictures that he took of prison camps when they released the Holocaust victims. Some people still don’t believe it happened.

    I have saved Newspaper Headlines throughout the years. Your suggestion is the impetus for me to gather them for the children and grandchildren to read.

    Blessings, Rita

  2. Hi, Rita. That's neat that your brother-in-law has actual pictures of the prison camps when they released the Holocaust victims. Yes, it is unreal that some people don't belive it happened. I think that they don't want to believe it happened. -- Mary

  3. Oh, Mary, this is wonderful! Thank you so much. Although I encourage people to write their life experiences, I never thought about them writing historical events during their lives. Actually, John Gardner is right.

    I have saved newspapers from presidential elections, but I had a brother in Vietnam, I remember where I was watching that second plane hit the tower, and members of our church are in Haiti. -- Linda A.

  4. Linda, I'm so glad that today's Grand Connection blog encouraged you. We all sure learn new ideas from one another.

    I've learned so much from your book Inspire! Writing for the Soul.

    -- Mary

  5. Unbelieveable...It's one thing to read about history and another to experience it through another's first hand experience. I think of the Holocaust as something from "history"; however, it must have seemed like a very real and current event because you shared in the first hand experience.

    I agree... we have to record what's important in our family history; otherwise, we have no rear-view mirror to look upon as we drive forward and live a purpose-filled and joy-filled life.

  6. I, too, save newspapers with big headlines when something occurs. The children have no idea of the experiences we have had and it is good to bring the story to them.-- Rita

  7. Good for you Rita! I and my family have been blessed because my grandmother put news-clippings and cards from a family tragedy in a scrapbook. It was stored in a dark place for years. And it was given to me, I believe, in due course as part of my divine destiny. As a result, I'm more aware of other historical truths such as the Holocaust so we never forget to remember and recognize what's evil and what’s good. And it has made a difference in my "sage" phase of life... to seek the truth that sets us free.

  8. Rita and TNT,thanks for leaving comments. TNT, that's a neat story about the scrapbook of your family tragedy and how it was given to you. When you look through the pages it must be like your ancestors are speaking to you.

  9. Marvelous that you save newspapers. I, too, save them when there are headline events to be remembered.
    I write about our childhood during WW11 and the camaraderie everyone felt working together for the war effort.
    It was a different time. Blessings, Rita
