by Mary May Larmoyeux
Our three-year-old granddaughter and her little brother spent this past weekend with Pops and me. One of the things that we did together was make a cake. When our son and his wife came over for lunch, they told the children that the cake tasted especially good. The three year old cocked her head. “Know why?” she asked.
“Why?” her dad answered.
“I poured the cake mix in with all of my love,” she said. “The goodness you taste is my love.”
Out of the mouths of babes! She captured the real reason why she wanted to help make the cake. And, she expressed why caring grandparent do what we do. The reason we cook meals, baby-sit, go to football games, pray, and read goodnight stories is not out of obligation, but out of love.
1 Corinthians 13:13 says it well: "And now these three remains: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love."
Happy New Year,
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© 2008 by Mary May Larmoyeux.
How do you not melt every time your grandkids say these adorable things? My heart turns to putty just reading about them. :-)
Yes, Sharon, my heart often does melt over something the grandkids say. The saying "out of the mouth of babes" is so true!
Your three-year-old grandchild is wiser than most. What a precious story. Blessings, Rita
Rita, it's good to hear from you. I'd love to hear some of the stories about your grandkids.
I know love your Grand encouragement and ideas because they are just what us busy folks need! I cherish the few little moments I have to make a difference w/ my budding lil grandchildren...and I know where to go for input to make a difference.
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