I still remember when a friend and I ate lunch together and talked about passing down family stories. She referred to a passage in Psalms 78 that tells about the importance of sharing spiritual stories.
"We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord," says Psalm 78:4. "His power, and the wonders he has done.”
It is up to us to pass on family stories—especially ones about God intervening in our lives and homes. We can share these stories with the grands while washing dishes together, taking a relaxing walk, or going on a drive. We can record our stories and burn them on a CD, or write them down in notebooks. … We can even do something very simple—jot them down in our Bibles.
For years I've jotted down things I want to remember in my Bible—births, weddings, deaths. Memories such as,“God protected a child on from a terrible wreck when he did a 360 degree turn on a wet freeway and ended up in a ditch,” “God protected my husband when a car burst into flames 3-4 feet from a propane tank by his office,” “God protected a son and his wife when they had a gas leak in their house,” and on, and on, and on.
Whenever I read in my Bible how God has protected and led our family, I remember that He has done great things ... marvelous things. I'm also reminded that I can trust God for today and tomorrow.
Stories of His past faithfulness engrave the hearts of our families with this message. And what a wonderful message to share with our families as Thanksgiving approaches. Nothing is impossible for God! (Luke 1:37)
Have a great week,
co-author of The Grand Connection: 365 Ways to Connect With Your Grandchild's Heart
co-author of The Grand Connection: 365 Ways to Connect With Your Grandchild's Heart
© by Mary May Larmoyeux. All rights reserved.
© Photographer: Noriko Cooper / Dreamstime.com
Yes, He has done countless great things! Being delighted and reminded about them in your blog burst is one of them...and I value your time and effort to help us consider ways to be a blessing to our grandchildren because we need it! Thank you.
It's good to hear from you TNT. You are a blessing to me, my friend!
You are so right, Mary. Stories of how God moved on our behalf to rescue us and guide us are so important. I needed that reminder. Thank you so much.
Hi, Sharon! I also think it's good for us to write down our testimonies for our grandkids to read at some point. I wish that my grandparents had done that.
I love the Message version of Psalm 78:4. Remembering God's intervention in my life also helps me when tough times come along. Thanks for the reminder to "keep writing"!
Family stories are so important. Thanks for the reminder, Mary.
Sharon, it's good to hear from you!
Karen, it's good to hear from you!
I also love Psalm 78:4. The older I get the more I realize the need to tell future generations about Christ.
Keep writing! God has given you a gift.
I feel that my husband and I were saved from a terrible tragedy when we hit a deer on the highway this past summer. We were unharmed and are grateful the good Lord seems to be looking after us. Blessings, Rita
Rita, how God has protected you and your husband would be a great story to write down for the grandkids.
We must all pass family stories on to the next generation. I love to hear stories about my great grandmother. Beautiful picture. - Rita
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