by Mary May Larmoyeux
"If you could go to lunch with anyone, who would it be?" That question was asked at a Toastmasters meeting I attended this week, and most people said their grandparents. When asked "Why," the common response was "I never really knew them."
Did you know all of your grandparents? I only knew two. Thinking about this has reminded me of the importance of writing our grandkids letters.
A couple of years ago Pops and I started a new tradition with the grands—writing each of them a birthday letter. I read this idea somewhere—I think in the Littauers’ book Making the Blueplate Special. I thought it was a great, very doable idea.
It’s been fun for Pops and me to share in our letters memories of the actual “birth day.” We’ve also included memories during the year and a Bible verse that reminds us of the particular child or a Bible verse that we’ll be praying for that child.
Although some may want to handwrite birthday letters, I type ours on the computer. I include special pictures in the body of the letter, and print the letter in color.
Pops and I not only give each grandchild his/her birthday letter, but also keep a copy into a notebook that we’ll give the grandchild when he/she is 18 or 21. (How I wish I could open up a notebook and read 18 or 21 letters from my grandparents.)
What do you do to make special memories on your grandchildren’s birthdays? How did your grandparents remember your birthday?
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Mary May Larmoyeux
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© Mary May Larmoyeux. All rights reserved.
Great Idea! This is something everyone can use. - CL
Thanks for leaving a comment, CL!
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