Wednesday, July 31, 2019

School Days: Let's stay connected

Maybe you're like me, keeping up with some long-distance grands by Facebook. At the beginning of the school year, it's always fun to read about the opening of school and see the grandkids' pictures.

Or maybe you have some nearby grands who will be starting school soon. In that case, you'll probably hear about all of the happenings face-to-face.

Today's blog post has nine ways you can stay connected with the kids in your life who are going to school this year. Just choose one or two ideas to encourage children who live nearby or far away. Read more ...

Photo © Ilya Genkin /

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Day When Neil Armstrong Walked on the Moon

July 1969 was an historic month. But not because of what was happening on Earth. That’s when history was being made approximately 230,000 miles away, on the moon.

Apollo 11 had... read more.