Saturday, September 21, 2013

Donut Dates

Friday’s Grand Connection Fun
by Mary May Larmoyeux

A fun thing that Pops and I have done with our grands is to take them on a “donut date”—right to the donut factory itself, so to speak—Krispy Kreme.

There’s a Krispy Kreme not too far from where we used to live. I think that the grandkids and I enjoyed watching the donuts being made even more than eating them. Well … almost.

What could be better than a piping hot glazed donut—especially one with all of the calories removed? Of course, there are not just plain donuts. There’s a counter-display filled with donuts of different sizes and shapes—chocolate covered with sprinkles, strawberry filled, cinnamon apple ...

When we took some of our grands to get donuts one fall, did they just want glazed donuts? No, they wanted pumpkin donuts. Guess what? They got pumpkin donuts.

Pops and I have brought the camera with us for our "donut date with the grands." We've snapped some great pictures and captured some great memories. Recently, our oldest granddaughter and I  made an out-of-town trip to see my mom. Guess where we ate breakfast? Dunkin Donuts!

Perhaps one day, when Pops and I are no longer on this earth, our grands will be eating donuts with their kids and they’ll say, “I remember when our grandparents took us to the donut shop.” And later they might even take out a tattered scrapbook and point to an old picture—a picture of us enjoying a Saturday morning with our legacy. Yep, eating pumpkin donuts.

Do you take your grands on donut dates?

If they live out of town, you could mail them a gift card to a donut store. And you could ask the grandkids' parents to snap a picture of them eating donuts and e-mail it to you. You might respond by e-mail with your own memories of eating donuts.

He is able,

Article and Photo © Mary May Larmoyeux. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

A grandmother's perspective on life

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Tuesday's Grand Connection Thought

by Mary May Larmoyeux

Have you ever wondered "What's going on with our world?"  I sure have. I'm going to date myself, but I remember a time when it wasn't polite to say "pregnant" in public. Now, that seems like centuries ago, doesn't it?

Has our world forgotten who made it? How many today really believe the words of Isaiah 40:28, "Do you not know?  Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth." 

A couple of Christmases ago, Pops and I bought a puzzle cube for our grandkids to play with. Looking at it today reminds me of what happens when we try to get around a designer's design. The cube had a Christmas picture of Charlie Brown and Snoopy.  When someone put the picture together, everything fit together nicely.

Well, one of our grandkids had a stroke of genius. She discovered that the pictures were not painted on the individual squares; they were made with stickers. One day when the picture was scrambled, she decided to pull off the stickers and form the correct picture herselfa much easier thing to do. And, I might add, when she finished the first time it looked just like the accurately completed puzzle.

But there was a problem. If the cube was turned, the picture was a mess. So when that happened, she and other grandkids tried to put it together again. Some of the kids put stickers on top of stickers. Quite frankly, now the Christmas photo cube is useless.

As a grandmother whose life is centered on Jesus Christ, I'm reminded of Who is holding this crazy world together, even now.  Colossians 1:16-18 says: " For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy."

When the older grandkids come over, I want to show them what once used to be a fun puzzle cube and compare it to the choices they will have in life. They can either follow the Designer's pattern, or choose some shortcuts that might have temporary satisfaction (with possible life-changing results).

The choice is theirs. Pops and I pray that they will choose wisely.

Have a great week,
Mary May Larmoyeux

Post and photo © 2013 Mary Mary Larmoyeux. All rights reserved.