Tuesday, August 6, 2013

A computer crash and Hunter Mahen

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Tuesday's Grand Connection Thought
by Mary May Larmoyeux

About a month ago Jim's and my computer crashed. My first thought went to the family pictures and videos on it: Would they be lost?  To make a very long story short, with the help of the great tech department at Staples, everything was retrieved on the hard drive and the computer is now up and running.

But the almost disaster made me really think about how quickly life goes by ... and how few years on this earth I have left, compared with how many I've already lived.   When I was temporarily not connected to the electronic world, Jim said something that made me really think: "Maybe God is giving you the gift of peace."

I think that he was right. 

And with that gift of peace  I've decided to make a few changes to the Grand Connection blog.  I'll continue to post, but not every Tuesday and every Friday. Instead, there will be regular Grand Connection posts on the first Tuesday of the month and on the third Friday.   

What will I do with my extra time? Get family pictures in order, write down those family stories, go through boxes of photos that only I can identify.  And of course, spend time with those precious grandkids (we'll have number seven this fall).

When I read about what happened to golfer Hunter Mahan recently, it made me think that I'm making the right decision. Mahan was at the Canadian Open and it looked like he would win the tournament because he had a two-stroke lead. But instead of winning he withdrew before the third and final round.  Why? His wife went into labor in Dallas.

So instead of becoming a million dollars richer by winning the Canadian Open, Mahan was given the priceless gift of being with his wife, Kandi, when their first child was born.  Imagine what his little girl will think of her dad when she is told what happened on the day she was born. How will that make her feel about the value of her life?   

What could be more important than our relationships with God and with our families?   

How do you choose between what's good and what's best? And what tips do you have for grandparents who want to leave priceless legacies to their grandchildren?

  "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
                                  (Matthew 6:21)

He is able,

Mary May Larmoyeux

Post and photo © Mary Mary Larmoyeux. All rights reserved.