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Tuesday's Grand Connection Thought
by Mary May Larmoyeux
Hope that you had wonderful Thanksgiving holidays!
The day after Thanksgiving my Christmas preparations began. My 8-year-old granddaughter helped me make gingerbread houses. Her 10-year-old cousin will visit in a couple of weeks and we'll also make some gingerbread houses together. With six grandchildren and friends, we have a lot to make!
It takes work to bake and assemble so many gingerbread houses, but they are an important part of our family holiday traditions. Other traditions include making a bed for the nativity figure of Baby Jesus. We put a pile of pine straw by the manger. When someone does a secret act of kindness honoring Jesus, he/she secretly puts a piece of straw in the manger for Jesus' bed. On Christmas morning we put the Christ Child figure on the pine straw bed made to honor our Lord.
Helen Austin, a regular contributor to Encouraging Women with Hearts for their Homes ezine, often makes holiday potpourri (the non-edible type) at this time of year. She shares her recipe in the holiday issue of the free ezine. It also has articles about managing holiday stress, giving exceptional gifts, making wise Christmas choices, and much more.
What are some of your family's Christmas traditions?
Have a wonderful week,