by Mary May Larmoyeux
I've been doing a wonderful Bible study by Beth Moore called Believing God. This week I've been learning about the importance of developing a God-memory —remembering what God has done in my life. Listen to what Beth said about family stories:
"... The ancient Hebrews considered sharing their heritage of faith with children and grandchildren their most important responsibility (see Deut. 6). Have you organized your faith adventure with God into stories you can share with your children and grandchildren? Writing them on paper allows you to leave documentation they can share with the next generation after you've gone to live with the Lord."
Last year Pops and I wrote letters to our grandchildren telling them how we had each accepted Jesus Christ to be the Lord of our lives. When I was in college, I realized for the first time that Jesus Christ had paid the entire price for my sins when He died a wooden cross. He offered me a free gift and I gladly accepted it.
And Pops asked Jesus to be his Lord and Savior when our firstborn was struggling for his very life. God granted our son physical life and my husband spiritual life.
Easter is just a few short weeks away. If you haven't written your faith journey for your legacy, now would be a great time to do this.
If you have written your faith journey, how did you share this with your children and grandchildren?
He is able,
Mary May Larmoyeux
co-author of The Grand Connection: 365 Ways to Connect With Your Grandchild's Heart
© 2011 Mary May Larmoyeux. All rights reserved.