Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What's Your Story?

Tuesday's Thought
by Mary May Larmoyeux

A good friend, Karen Jordan, and I just finished teaching a four-week writing workshop at church called "Capture Your Story." This past Sunday we talked about preserving our family stories for future generations, especially our spiritual stories.

We jotted down stories that we want to share with our families. Some memories that came to my mind included the premature birth of our oldest son. The doctor said that he would not live through the night, but God knew better. This son is now the father of three of our precious grandchildren.

And I remembered getting out of a taxi as a college student when I was visiting a small church. A middle-age couple "adopted" me and brought me to church every Sunday after that. (Wonder why they thought I was a visitor? Do you think the taxi could have given it away?) Pops and I still stay in touch with them today.

What stories to you want your great, great-grandchildren to know about you? What do you want them to know about your faith? If you haven't already begun capturing family stories (in writing, on videotape, through a recording, etc.), you may want to consider starting today.

Doing this can be very simple. You may want to purchase a special journal and just jot down your stories ... His stories ... on a weekly or monthly basis. Someday, a generation you will never know will thank you!

He is able,
Mary May Larmoyeux
author of Help for Busy Moms: Purposeful Living to Simplify Life

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Friday, March 27, 2009

April Showers

Friday's Fun
by Mary May Larmoyeux

April is just around the corner, and as the saying goes, "April showers bring May flowers."

A fun thing that we could do with our grands—regardless of their ages—is to buy each of them a new spring umbrella.

For a grandchild who lives nearby, we may even want to have a special outing that not only includes shopping, but also lunch or a visit to a local park. We might even decide to buy matching umbrellas!

Of course, we could mail a long-distance grand a new umbrella with a special note. If we do this, we could ask our grandchildren to e-mail/mail us a picture when they actually are "walking in the rain."

Here’s a cute song that young children will enjoy that I found on the Internet:

April Showers Song
(to the tune of "I'm a Little Teapot")

Pitter patter rain drops (wiggle fingers to imitate rain)
Falling from the sky (wiggle fingers downward)
Here's my umbrella (action of opening an umbrella)
Hold it high! (hands over head)
When the rain is over (bring hands down slowly)
and the sun begins to glow (make sun with arms)
Little flowers start to bud (Kneel down)
then grow, grow, grow!!! (slowly stand up)

Have a great weekend!

He is able,
Mary May Larmoyeux
author of Help for Busy Moms: Purposeful Living to Simplify Life

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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Savoring the Simple Things of Life

Tuesday's Thought
by Mary May Larmoyeux

Last weekend Pops and I went to an antique car show and it was a lot of fun. There were games for the kids like "throw a fan belt," "roll a tire," etc.

Surprisingly, my favorite thing wasn't the beautiful streetrods. It was seeing two of our grandkids run up to Pops and me with outstretched arms, calling our names.

Although the chili dog with onions was mighty good, it wasn't as satisfying as standing back and watching a toddler attempt to roll a very small tire as his big sis tossed fan belts like they were Frisbees.

It really doesn't take much to make a kid happy, does it?

My childhood memories included climbing a "slippery" tree, holding squirming puppies, and lying in the warm grass while imagining shapes of animals in the clouds above. And it seems like yesterday when Pops and my children were having obstacle races in the back yard and building make-believe forts out of sheets and blankets.

Do you ever feel like life today is far too complicated? Maybe it's time to go back and savor our real treasures−God, family ... and simple things.

What were some of the simple things that you enjoyed as a child. What about your kids and grandkids?

He is able,
Mary May Larmoyeux
author of Help for Busy Moms: Purposeful Living to Simplify Life

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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Experiencing History

Tuesday's Thought
by Mary May Larmoyeux

Last week Pops and I had the privilege of hearing Agi Geva, a Holocaust survivor, speak about her experiences in the concentration camps. It was amazing to hear her tell how she and her sister managed to stay with their mother throughout the whole ordeal.

I will never forget seeing Agi roll up her sleeve to display a stamped number on her arm. Her message to the audience: "Never forget."

Like Agi, you and I have experienced events in life that our children and grandchildren will only read about. For me, Vietnam, 9/11, and Hurricane Katrina are not just words in a book.

As a teenager, I visited a friend whose brother was killed in Vietnam. Years later I watched on TV when the twin towers fell and even interviewed one of the survivors, Lt. Col. Brian Birdwell. And in September 2005 I went to Louisiana as a volunteer with my church to help feed the victims of Hurricane Katrina.

Until I heard Agi speak, I never really thought much about the history that I've experienced. To me, it's so ... "usual." But after I heard her speak, I was reminded of the responsibility and privilege of sharing my walk through life with my legacy. And I was challenged to write to my grands about it.

I now plan to jot down for the grandkids memories about historical events that have happened in my lifetime. And although I've asked my mom a lot about our family history, I am reminded that I need to ask her more about her experiences in the Depression and World War II.

"History never looks like history," John W. Gardner said, "when you are living through it."

You and I are living through history. May we share our stories so future generations will never forget.

He is able,
Mary May Larmoyeux
author of Help for Busy Moms: Purposeful Living to Simplify Life

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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Free Lemonade

Tuesday's Thought
by Mary May Larmoyeux

I was heading to the Post Office on Saturday when a sign with hand-printed letters caught my attention: FREE Lemonade−Donations Welcome.

A little boy and girl sat by the stand. Their hopeful grins said, "Please, please stop."

After passing a few more driveways, I turned the car around and headed back towards the children. While I parked the car, big brother was already pouring me a drink and little sis sat nearby.

"I' d like some of that free lemonade," I said, waving a dollar bill in my hand. "And here's a donation."

A big smile crossed the boy's face, "Nine dollars," he shouted to a woman I assume was his mom, "We've already got $9!"

I gulped down the lemonade and headed back to the Post Office−it would close in ten minutes.

I smiled to myself. It seemed like yesterday when I was the mom watching a little boy selling lemonade. And that little boy now has children of his own.

So much has changed in today's world of technology with e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, and i-pods.

But so much is still the same−strangers stopping to support young entrepreneurs ... wanting to encourage another generation. Remembering another time ... another place ... another little boy or girl.

He is able,
Mary May Larmoyeux
author of Help for Busy Moms: Purposeful Living to Simplify Life

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