by Mary May Larmoyeux
A good friend, Karen Jordan, and I just finished teaching a four-week writing workshop at church called "Capture Your Story." This past Sunday we talked about preserving our family stories for future generations, especially our spiritual stories.
We jotted down stories that we want to share with our families. Some memories that came to my mind included the premature birth of our oldest son. The doctor said that he would not live through the night, but God knew better. This son is now the father of three of our precious grandchildren.
And I remembered getting out of a taxi as a college student when I was visiting a small church. A middle-age couple "adopted" me and brought me to church every Sunday after that. (Wonder why they thought I was a visitor? Do you think the taxi could have given it away?) Pops and I still stay in touch with them today.
What stories to you want your great, great-grandchildren to know about you? What do you want them to know about your faith? If you haven't already begun capturing family stories (in writing, on videotape, through a recording, etc.), you may want to consider starting today.
Doing this can be very simple. You may want to purchase a special journal and just jot down your stories ... His stories ... on a weekly or monthly basis. Someday, a generation you will never know will thank you!
He is able,
Mary May Larmoyeux
author of Help for Busy Moms: Purposeful Living to Simplify Life
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